Tuesday 8 February 2011

Meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes

16th January 2011 – Filming the sequence discussed at Welling School at 11am – 1pm

Film Sequence – 1:51 minutes:

00:00-00:10– camera on the floor feet running past

00:11-00:21– camera close up on Shaun’s (Charlie’s) face with zombies running in the background

00:22-00:32– Shaun (Charlie) running at the gate

00:33-00:43– Shaun (Charlie) runs to the safe house

00:44-00:54– The three other survivors are in a room pointing there guns at Shaun (Charlie)

00:55-1:20 – All four start talking about if Shaun (Charlie) got the radio signal online

1:21-1:25 – Close up on gate opening slowly

1:26-1:32 – Title of film (Deadline)

1:33-1:40 – Shaun (Charlie) asleep in bed, alarm goes off, he wakes up

1:41-1:51 – Credits of the film

Production/Personal Schedule

Week 1 Create Blog

Week 2 Planning Evidence

Week 3 Planning Storyboard

Week 4 Filming

Week 5 Editing

Week 6 Evaluation
Production Brief

For our production we are making an opening sequence to a horror/action film

The film is called Deadline and it is about a pandemic that has spread worldwide causing everyone to turn into zombie, except a certain blood type which is AB+

The movie is about 4 men trying to survive the hordes of zombies that attack them

Setting – School, Car Park

The film starts with a scene from the middle of the film

Start – Man wakes up, normal day but little things change throughout the film e.g. less people are seen out on the streets as he goes for a run, deaths highly reported on the news.

Middle – Trying to survive zombie attacks and find other survivors

End – Cliff hanger of a final attack between the humans and zombies

Props – Guns, Old/Dirty/Ripped Clothes, Fake Blood, Enigma Code Prop

Target Audience – 18+, Adults, Male

Characters – Charlie = Shaun, Steven = Matthew, Tom = John, Mikey = Ray

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