Tuesday 7 December 2010

Newer title vs older title sequences

The opening credits are the first five minutes.

The original version of Dawn of the Dead is completely different than the 2004 remake. In this sequence, we see people in a t.v station. There are people arguing over something, but we are not sure what yet. There is loads of manic behavior, but we are still not sure of what the fuss is all about. When we compare this to the remake, its a lot slower. This helps keep you intrigued as you are not sure what they are saying. There aren't many typical conventions usually conveyed in a zombie film in this sequence. The only relating feature would be the music. It suits the scene well as everything else is also slow.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LJEPkc4ztE- Not able to embed.

This is the remake to the clip above. This is so different in every department compared to the original. With this clip there is music in the scene, this giving it a very fast feel. This is supported by the fast cuts of the images in the opening sequence. The text in this sequence also shows the typical codes and conventions. Its a bloody text and blood is represented with zombies.

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