Friday 4 March 2011

Part 7- What have you learnt about techniques from the process of constructing this project?

What key decisions did you make about technology during pre-production/production/ post preduction?

The main decision that we made about technology, would of been to use iMovie over Final cut pro. We believed that this would be more effective for us, as we have all used it before. There were not any other decisions that we had to make during and after our production. This made everything a lot easier.

Why were these decisions made?

We made these decisions as non of us had used Final cut pro before. So sticking to the basic iMovie, made things a whole lot easier. We were about to get editing done quickly and effectivley.

What technology did you use at each stage?

For the filming, we used the camcorder for this stage. For the editing portion, we used the iMovie on the apple macs. We used Garage Band on the macs to do the soundtrack.

What have you learnt?

I have learnt that you need good technology to help get the best for your sequence. It helps with the smallest of things.

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