Friday 4 March 2011

Part 8- Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?

Overall what was successful about your preliminary task?

What was successful was the outcome of our opening title sequence. The technology we used helped toward our final project. It did not fault at any time during production. I think the ideas that we came up with worked well and out of them came a well finished production.

What was least successful?

There was nothing pre or post-production that was not successful. Maybe a little more research could of benefitted us.

How did you improve upon each of these areas when making your title sequence?

There were a few mishaps with the syncing of the sound and images. Though this was only minor and was dealt with straight away.
Part 7- What have you learnt about techniques from the process of constructing this project?

What key decisions did you make about technology during pre-production/production/ post preduction?

The main decision that we made about technology, would of been to use iMovie over Final cut pro. We believed that this would be more effective for us, as we have all used it before. There were not any other decisions that we had to make during and after our production. This made everything a lot easier.

Why were these decisions made?

We made these decisions as non of us had used Final cut pro before. So sticking to the basic iMovie, made things a whole lot easier. We were about to get editing done quickly and effectivley.

What technology did you use at each stage?

For the filming, we used the camcorder for this stage. For the editing portion, we used the iMovie on the apple macs. We used Garage Band on the macs to do the soundtrack.

What have you learnt?

I have learnt that you need good technology to help get the best for your sequence. It helps with the smallest of things.
Part 6- How did you attract/ address your audience

Do you think you have reached your target audience?

I feel that we did reach our target audience. We used many techniques and characteristics that helped create horror films. This means ur film will have the same effect on it's audience that other successful horror films has had in the past.

What did you include when planning your production that you thought would appeal to your audience?

For our planning, we thought of a horror genre. This lead to a zombie film straight away. We blieved this to be a good idea as zombie films are always big hits in the box office. This gave us many ideas to chose from and with a load of zombie films to help research, we knew we could come up with a good idea for our story. We thought of, like many other films, to leave a cliff hanger. This would lead into more intrest for a sequal.

Using quotes from the audience feedback address how these did appeal and why?

The feedback that we got from the audience that watched the sequence was mainly good points.
Feedback Quotes:
'I want to know what happens next!'
'Good sound'
'Good selective shots'
'Good narrative and typography'

What this tells us, is that our film did appeal to the audience. I believe it went well beacuse we did not give too mush away. We left the audience guessing and leaving them to want to know more. As we had good feedback, we did not have to improve our films that much.

Overall what else has been successful in your production according to audience feed back?

What was successful was the way we all worked together. We all picthed in, this leading to good response from the audience. We all helped in one department or the other, that's why our sequence worked out really well. This is why i believe that the audience the opening sequnce.

What was least successful?

Our main problem in our sequence was the fact it looked like a trailer more than a film. But help from teachers and audience feedback, we were able to fix this problem. After removing the text that caused this, our sequence became more a film, than a trailer.

How could the work be imroved?

If we were to imrove anything, it would be to maybe show a zombie. This gives the audience something to be scared of. Though when looking back at the sequence, not much would need to be imroved.
Part 5- How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Camera, Angle, shot movement and Position

The opening of our sequence focuses on one young man. We wanted him to be the focus of our social group, this is hy we have a close up of his face. We wanted him to bring in the young crowds. We also wanted to show what young kids could achieve by theirselves. We also used because it strikes a bigger impact of fear into the audiences eye and makes them think about what is there.


We created our own music for the sequence and that worked really well. It was a slow sound that worked well with the long scened we used. It gives the sequence tension and makes it scary. It fits in perfectly with the scene, making it work really well. This could also help with young social groups that are into music and sound. As we created our own, it could inspire them to want to do similar work.


In this seqeunce, we have a mixture of different cuts. This helps keep the young majority of audience indulged as they like fast paced action. This is why we used a mixture of cuts. Longer taking cuts, build up the tension and keep the audience guessing. Quick cuts keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
Part 4- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


In our opening sequence, we establish the narrative of the story from the beginning. This is because we used text to help the audience understand what has happened so far. In doing so, this helps the audience have an idea of what to expect. We got the idea of this from other films that have done the same. These films included Terminator Salvation and Bladerunner. These were both effective when used.


Our sequence is not meant to give a lot away, but you can still see the horror genre that we have chosen. This is shown by the music that's played over the top. It gives the sequence an eary and edgy feel. This is typical in a horror sequence. Music like this used in horror films such as The Shining. This was really effective as it made a simple looking sequence scary. We also used a scary type of text. This works well as it suits the sequence. This overall creates an effective horror opening sequence.

Camera, Angle, Shot movement and Position

We used many long shots in our sequence. These shots help show setting. These shots were also a good way to help introduce characters to the scene. We used tight shots to help create a sense of understanding in the audience. This helped create the tension needed to give the film a scary feel.

Continuity and Editing

 There were many cuts throughout our sequence. We used long scenes to help create tension. We didn't want to use many quick cuts, as it would ruin the long eary feel we wanted to create. Overall, it worked really well.


We created our own music for the sequence and that worked really well. It was a slow sound that worked well with the long scened we used. It gives the sequence tension and makes it scary. It fits in perfectly with the scene, making it work really well.

Mise-en -Scene

When we look at the mise-en-scene, there's a lot to talk about about. We gave the actors very casual clothes to wear. This shows that they are average, normal day, kids. Also shows us that this zombie outbreak was unexpected. We used different props throughout our opening title, guns and a fake hand. The fake hand was used in many scenes. This helped as an indicator to show that the area is dangerous. This goes for the guns as well. The lighting in this sequence varies. This is because scenes are in and outside. What helps is that the outside is quite gloomy. This is because it had been raining and the sky weren't as bright.


The text we used throughout was effective. This is because it has a broken effect. This suits the sequence as our film is violent. The title is different as it is blood red. This suiting the film as zombies are drawn to blood. Also the effect on it gives the sequence an edgy feel.
Part 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution we wanted to distribute our film was Columbia pictures. We chose these because they have released many horror films in recent years. One of the films was Zombieland. Other horror films by Columbia include The Grudge and 30 Days of Night.

Part 2- Who would be the audience for your product?

The audience that we are aiming for is 15-21. These ages were chosen as horror films are mainly aimed at these particular age groups. We did not have a specific gender for our film. This is because we know girls and boys are into zombie films. Also with the young the characters, young people could relate to them. We would also like to the reach the zombie fans and people who enjoy zombie games. This would be a film that they would enjoy. We would hope that our film would be just as good as other hit zombie films. For example: Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days later and the recent comedy hit Zombieland.  These films were a hit with the similar age groups we have chosen.
Evaluation of Deadline

Part 1- Brief

The brief of this project was to create an opening sequence to a film that we had to create.
In this opening sequence, a virus has accidentally been released into the air by the military.  This has left most of the population to die and a handful left to struggle in survival. The problem is that those who died came back to life, as flesh eating zombies. Our film focuses on 4 young teenagers and their desperate attempt to get to safety. They get held up in what they thought was an abandoned. The sub genre for our film is horror. This is the main genre represented with zombie films. This genre is also popular is the present time with many horror films being released.

Final Version of production

Feedback from teacher.

We had good feedback from Miss whittaker. There are some things that she thought would help improve our opening sequence. We've decided to do what she said and we believe it could improve it. We had two clips of writing to explain the story, but this gave the opening sequence a trailer like feel. We decided to delete them and it now looks more like a film. We have also moved the text around and it looks more effective in the corner of the screen, not in the middle. We now have a bit more time to make other original parts better by making them a little bit longer.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Audience Research/Feedback

For our audience research we have found out that the key audience and our main audience target is teenagers aged between 15-19.

The gender for our film 'Deadline' would be male because it has features in the film that would mainly attract a male audience to go and watch the film, for examples guns and zombies.
We asked these questions to 3 people and the feedback for them follows:
1. Are you male or female?

A) MaleB) Female
C) Male
2. How old are you?

A) 17
B) 17
C) 16

3. Do you prefer English films or foreign films?
A) Foreign Films
B) Foreign Films
C) Foregin Films

4. What genre of film do enjoy best?

A) Horror
B) Comedy
C) Action

5. What would you expect to see in a horror zombie film?

A) Guns
B) Death
C) Blood
6. What did you think that 'Deadline' has that makes its opening sequence?

A) The Music
B) Sound Effects
C) Sound Effects 
7. Do you think the time length for the opening sequence is too long?

A) No, it starts and stops in a mystery
B) No, i think it needs to be longer
C) Yes, it could be shortened
8. What do you think could be improved?

A) The pace of the character running
B) The use of clothing and props
C) The length of time
9. Is there anything you would add to make the opening sequence better?

A) Add a zombie into the sequence to show what they are running from
B) Make the running scenes shorter
C) Have more angled camera shots
10. Is there anything you would take out of the sequence to make it better?

A) Some of the running scenes
B) Some of the running scenes
C) Some of the running scenes


Our film is a zombie, horror so for our film we have been looking at the typography from Dawn of The Dead, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Diary of the Dead, Land of the Dead, here are some typography examples for our film Deadline. We chose to use the 3rd typography because it has most characteristics of a zombie film to the others and this typography also has a dark and gloomy effect to it.

Deadline Animatic





Safe house



Door To Safe House

Desk In Safe House

Casting For Deadline

Charlie Hopwood as Shaun

Steven Power as Matthew

Mikey Masher as Ray

Tom Brown as John

production and personal schedule

1. create blog and post our meeting minutes, production schedule, a questionnaire, a written script, evidence of what we have researched our horror, institution research, typography. we filmed our continuity piece so that we could get use to the equipment(camera, tripod, how to put the dv tape in safely) we recorded our continuity piece and the took the film to the mac room so we could edit it and get use to the imovie programme.

2. for our planning evidence we looked at other movies from our genre such as dawn of the dead, shawn of the dead, land of the dead, diary of the dead, zombie land and we also looked at a foreign film called dead snow.  we also looked at the typography from other films and we went to da font to play around with different titles.

3. we drew our storyboards and started to snowball ideas. when we finished this we then hired out our equipment and started to film our final decision.

4 after our filming this is when we started to edit, this is where cut unnecessary clips and added effects using i movie. we added our sound effects in from garage band.

5. this is our final step where we decided if anything needed changing with sound text and more cutting.

Meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes

16th January 2011 – Filming the sequence discussed at Welling School at 11am – 1pm

Film Sequence – 1:51 minutes:

00:00-00:10– camera on the floor feet running past

00:11-00:21– camera close up on Shaun’s (Charlie’s) face with zombies running in the background

00:22-00:32– Shaun (Charlie) running at the gate

00:33-00:43– Shaun (Charlie) runs to the safe house

00:44-00:54– The three other survivors are in a room pointing there guns at Shaun (Charlie)

00:55-1:20 – All four start talking about if Shaun (Charlie) got the radio signal online

1:21-1:25 – Close up on gate opening slowly

1:26-1:32 – Title of film (Deadline)

1:33-1:40 – Shaun (Charlie) asleep in bed, alarm goes off, he wakes up

1:41-1:51 – Credits of the film

Production/Personal Schedule

Week 1 Create Blog

Week 2 Planning Evidence

Week 3 Planning Storyboard

Week 4 Filming

Week 5 Editing

Week 6 Evaluation
Production Brief

For our production we are making an opening sequence to a horror/action film

The film is called Deadline and it is about a pandemic that has spread worldwide causing everyone to turn into zombie, except a certain blood type which is AB+

The movie is about 4 men trying to survive the hordes of zombies that attack them

Setting – School, Car Park

The film starts with a scene from the middle of the film

Start – Man wakes up, normal day but little things change throughout the film e.g. less people are seen out on the streets as he goes for a run, deaths highly reported on the news.

Middle – Trying to survive zombie attacks and find other survivors

End – Cliff hanger of a final attack between the humans and zombies

Props – Guns, Old/Dirty/Ripped Clothes, Fake Blood, Enigma Code Prop

Target Audience – 18+, Adults, Male

Characters – Charlie = Shaun, Steven = Matthew, Tom = John, Mikey = Ray

Monday 10 January 2011

Here is are company Logo it is called Bunny hell productions. We decide to use a scared bunny has some viewers would find the bunny cute to look at. We used the back ground of hell as it was called bunny hell productions. We called it this as it is similar to bloody hell.


1. are you male or female?

2. how old are you? you prefer English films or foreign films?

4.what genre of film do enjoy best?

5. what would you expect to see in a horror zombie film?

Media evidence of researching your chosen genre